- Monday, August 18, 2014

A week ago, Darren Wilson was an unknown police officer in Ferguson., Mo

He is now famous, hunted, hated and soon will be in an unusual place. Instead of being listed as a witness on an indictment, he will be named the defendant.
The bad news is he will be prosecuted.
The good news is he will be acquitted.
The bad news is his life as he knows it is over. Like George Zimmerman he will be hated for years.
On Saturday, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Department of Justice was going to do a second autopsy on Michael Brown, the now dead robber of a convenience store.
That was, to put it mildly, an interesting development since the autopsy on Brown conducted by the local medical examiner had not yet been released.
That could only mean one thing. The autopsy report did not support the narrative that America’s racist Mr. Holder wanted. Sure enough, the autopsy report has been released and it shows Mr. Brown was not shot in the back as some claimed. It does not show he was surrendering as others claimed.
A friend of Officer Wilson stated that the officer told her that Mr. Brown had fought with Officer Wilson after Officer Wilson recognized him as matching the description of a robbery that had occurred minutes before. According to the friend, Mr. Brown charged and struck Officer Wilson. Then he reached for Officer Wilson’s gun. The gun discharged, fortunately striking no one. Then Mr.  Brown and a possible accomplice fled.
Officer Wilson told them to stop. Mr. Brown did, and then began taunting Officer Wilson. Then he charged, and Officer Wilson opened fire.
Prosecutors, at least ethical ones, look at evidence. Evidence includes not only the statements of witnesses, but physical evidence that supports those statements. In legal terms, that is called corroboration.
Ethical prosecutors look at the evidence in the case and make a determination whether there is or is not evidence that a crime was committed. That is why Eric Holder wants a second autopsy. The first autopsy did not give him the results he wanted so he will try again.
There is no evidence that the medical examiner who performed the first autopsy was corrupt or incompetent. There is no evidence that medical examiner made a mistake.
The only problem with the first autopsy is that it did not support the narrative that Mr. Holder wanted.
Mr. Holder will push Department of Justice prosecutors to indict Officer Wilson.  Officer Wilson’s only crime was being white and being forced to use deadly force to defend himself.
If Officer Wilson had been black or Mr. Brown white, no one would have heard of this story.  There would have been no excuse to riot and loot. The race hucksters would never have gone to Ferguson.
Officer Wilson has kept a low profile since the shooting. That is very smart on his part. Unfortunately for him, he is in the cross hairs of a racist attorney general and that will not be enough.
America does not know much about Officer Wilson now. One thing is certain, his career as a cop is over, no matter what happens.
The other thing that is certain, the next few months of his life are going to be a living hell, thanks to racists like Al Sharpton and Mr. Holder.

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