- Thursday, August 14, 2014

The nonstop coverage of actor Robin Williams’ untimely death has grown tiresome. Among the population of entertainers, I would consider him one of the brightest and most deserving of praise for his craft, and certainly among the most deserving of sorrow for his demise. However, I don’t think his particular decision to take his own life should be the catalyst for a national discussion on mental illness. There are far too many cases undoubtedly more tragic.

In the end, Mr. Williams’ decision will mostly affect his loved ones, no matter how much he’ll be missed by fans. I would prefer the nation, particularly the media and pop-culture influencers, engage in a more frank and honest discussion about the declining health of our society. We are entering the final stretch of the liberals’ dream presidency, and all is far from well.

It might be wise to consider endless coverage and commentary on how allowing the governing of a free people by executive fiat is akin to killing the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Likewise, we may want to discuss how the parliamentary tricks of a Senate majority leader, deliberately preventing debate and passage of legislation, or the race-baiting by the National Republican Senatorial Committee to save a fellow ruling-class placeholder leads to government control and dramatically reduces our individual spheres of liberty.

To be sure, given America’s economic fragility, diminishing moral fiber and waning global standing and influence, it is time to focus on the suicide we are collectively committing as a nation.


Falls Church

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