- Wednesday, August 13, 2014

They say that if you’re taking flak, you must be over the target. Well lo and behold, the old Motorcity guitarslayer is not only directly over the target, I am obviously sitting dead center in the enemies’ own foxhole, driving them batty with my unstoppable onslaught of self-evident truth, logic, common sense and a tsunami of irrefutable evidence that obliterates their America-hating agenda.

And I don’t even put forth any extra effort to do so.

When experienced under the proper conditions driving the enemy batty, flak is indeed a beautiful thing.

For the leftist smear merchants at the Huffington Post, Moveon.org and the leftist activists at the Southern Poverty Law Center to go to such extremes to constantly lie about me is proof positive that I am not only on the right track exposing the truth about what’s happening to America, but that they are clearly scared to death of me and virtually incapable of debating me one on one.

It’s clearly the devious act of some kind of soulless subterranean pest to take my words and lie about them. Showing up recently at some of my concerts are the stinky hygiene-challenged members of the American Communist Party (their badges were obvious to anyone) who are bused in to protest me and my pro-America views. I responded by accurately identifying them as “unclean vermin.” They proceeded to claim that my words were directed at my Native American Indian BloodBrothers. A bald-faced and destructive lie.

“Rules for Radicals” leftist godfather Saul Alinsky would be very proud of them and very angry at me. Cool.

Our species really is capable of that depth of dishonesty, and worse, so too much of the media that blindly parrot such hate and dishonesty.

Some diehard liberal “journalists” have picked up their smear, twisting my words aimed at the protestors and lying profusely that I was talking about my Native American friends.

Here’s a sample letter we received after the Left’s lies spread: “I am writing to you in regards to the picture of Ted Nugent, wearing the aboriginal head dress. I would appreciate if you would please take down the photo of Ted wearing the aboriginal head dress with a bow n arrow and gun in his hands …I find this very disrespectful and insulting to my cultural back round. I feel with Ted recent out burst of racism and the picture I stated with the head dress, that he is trying to convey aboriginals as he quoted ” unclean vermin”. I will not stand for this kind of blatant racism…”

Allow me to leave you with a beautiful suckerpunch of reality at the hands of my longtime loyal personal assistant, Ms. Linda Peterson, who so eloquently fixed one of the programmed sheep of the Saul Alinsky gang with a fact-filled, evidence-supported retort.

Take it away Linda!

“Greetings from Tedquarters.

“Mr. Nugent has a long history of working with a wide variety of Native American Tribes across our great country.

“He has been an honored guest at many tribal meetings, has worked with Native American youth, and was humbled to be inducted into the Strongheart Society by the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne and Arapahoe Tribes.

“Mr. Nugent served as the Keynote Speaker for Native American Fish & Wildlife Society National Conference in Anchorage, Alaska, as well as for The Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians in Michigan, and we were proud to host Native American Dancers from the Grand Traverse Band as our special guests for a performance before a crowd of 15,000 in Detroit.

“Ted was asked by tribal elders in Nebraska to instruct their youth in current methodologies of shooting with bow and arrow, which he cited as one of the most rewarding experiences in his lifelong career as an outdoorsman and hunter.

“One of Ted’s most revered songs, Great White Buffalo, disparages the greed of the white man and sends a message of hope for Native Americans who revere Mother Earth and our natural renewable resources.

“Mr. Nugent wears the headdress as a sign of reverence, and deep respect for the Native American culture and traditions. So no, we will not be taking the photos down.

“Best regards,

“Linda Peterson, Assistant to Mr. Nugent”

So there you have it. What is more often than not reported in so much of the media about me is not only untrue, 99 percent of the time it is made up out of whole cloth in their hate driven, feeble attempt to discredit me for the simple reason that I am so damn effective at exposing their dangerous, America-destroying agenda.

To be hated so viciously by such nasty, bad, dishonest enemies of America, remains a glowing badge of honor for me.

When the president of the United States can get away with scam after scam, lie after lie, his lapdog media is emboldened to get away with such dishonesty as well.

Me, I’m wrapping up the greatest soul music tour of my life as SHUTUP&JAM! blazes nonstop across America as I carry on on the legacy of my hero James Brown.

As I prepare for what is certain to be the greatest hunting season of my life, my confidence cup runneth over, knowing that good must squash evil, and the soul of America hangs in the balance.

Uncle Ted, never over, never out. Godspeed, real America. The truth will set you free.

Ted Nugent is a rock musician and author (TedNugent.com).

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