- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Once again, it’s time to check off some items on my “TIDU List” — Things I Don’t Understand:

• How we know which quarterback will be better long-term.

There’s no controversy because Washington yielded several firstborns for Robert Griffin III and he won Rookie of the Year. Kirk Cousins is a fourth-rounder with a 1-3 record as a starter. It won’t be here, but eventually Cousins will be a No. 1 and show how he compares. If Griffin can’t progress as a pocket passer or stay healthy, who knows?

Put your money on RG3, but don’t bet the house.

• Why more coaches aren’t truthful about dishonesty.

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Asked about recruiting, West Virginia’s Dana Holgorsen told reporters Monday, “… I know you lie in recruiting a bunch, and that’s just part of it. You become a salesman. … Our job is to get guys on campus.” Later, a spokesman said the coach was joking. It didn’t sound like one, but thanks for clearing that up!

Next time a coach says he’ll never leave, we’ll still believe him.

• How the Wizards won’t have a merry Christmas.

Playing the Knicks on Dec. 25 instead of enjoying the holiday like most of us won’t be all bad, because it cements the Wizards’ arrival as a near-marquee team. John Wall and Bradley Beal on the U.S. men’s national team would’ve raised the Wizards’ national profile even higher, but winning in the playoffs and adding Paul Pierce have done the job just fine.

Besides, playing my beloved Knicks is almost a guaranteed win.

• Why it took MLB so long to achieve labor peace.

SEE ALSO: In NFL, pressure to return quickly from injury is intense

Hard to believe 20 years have passed since the Great Baseball Strike wiped out more than 900 games, including the entire 1994 postseason and World Series. But the owners lost to the players again — for the eighth consecutive time — and failed to establish a salary cap. Their only accomplishment was stalling the economic boon that baseball has experienced since.

The lesson was painful but the payout was humongous.

• How the Clippers sale could’ve worked out better.

Selling a house can take longer. But just 16 weeks after TMZ published V. Stiviano’s recording of Donald Sterling’s inflammatory screed, the NBA sold the Clippers for a whopping $2 billion. With new owner Steve Ballmer in place, coach Doc Rivers can forget about leaving, guard Chris Paul can forget about sitting and everyone can forget about Sterling.

His reign was more than a blip but it ended in a flash.

• Why more joint practices can’t be the norm.

Washington-New England was a blast, way more than the meaningless game that followed (Tom Brady sat out; RG3 played one series). Ravens-49ers was in Maryland and will be in California next year. Thirteen teams engaged in joint practices this summer, with the Pats, Texans and Falcons doing two. We’re talking stars, starters, 11-on-11 … everything but all-out tackling.

That’s better than exhibitions where 41 percent of the players won’t make the roster.

• How the Nats have thrived despite so many injuries.

The Opening Day regular lineup has been intact just 18 times this season. Ryan Zimmerman and Wilson Ramos have missed more than half the games, Bryce Harper slightly less than half. Worse, Stephen Strasburg and Gio Gonzalez have been less than their usual, stellar selves, making the fifth starter — who wasn’t a lock for the team — even more important. Whatever.

None of it adds up but the answer is first place.

• Why Tiger is still a possibility for the Ryder Cup.

Fifty-three weeks have passed since injury-wracked Woods won a tournament; he has completed 72 holes only thrice this year. But U.S. captain Tom Watson is unconvinced. “He is Tiger Woods and he brings a lot to the team, if he has the ability to play and he’s healthy,” Watson told reporters Monday. “I’d be a fool not to consider him.”

With all due respect, Watson would be a fool to include him.

• How a high outweighs the chance of a four-game suspension.

Orlando Scandrick’s recreational drug use while vacationing will cost the Cowboys cornerback more than $1 million in lost salary. “In no way, form or shape was this trying to gain a competitive edge,” he told reporters Tuesday. “I made a mistake.” Unlike rappers who can use all the MDMA they want, athletes risk more than their health when using street drugs.

Like unprotected romps on one-night hookups, “Molly” isn’t worth the risk.

• Why Kevin Anderson passed on James Franklin.

Anderson had a tough call as Maryland’s new AD in 2010, with football coach Ralph Friedgen wanting an extension and coach-in-waiting Franklin slated to take over in 2012. Instead of firing Friedgen after Franklin left, Anderson should’ve pulled the trigger to keep the rising star, opposed to watching him reach three bowl games and compile two Top 25 finishes … AT VANDERBILT!

Now Franklin can kick the Terps’ tail regularly with Penn State.

• Deron Snyder can be reached at deronsnyder@gmail.com.

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