- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Perhaps Rolling Stone magazine should stick to music. On its latest cover, which features “Veep” star Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the publication put John Hancock’s signature on a fake tattoo of the U.S. Constitution covering her back. One problem: he signed the Declaration of Independence.

The actress tried to make light of the error on Twitter, saying that the fake tattoo was applied while she was “in a drunken stupor,” but that did little to quell the online jokes.

One Twitter user asked, “Should we expect any less from publication who put Boston bomber on cover?”

Another posted: ’Triple facepalm with a half-twist.’

The Declaration of Independence was ratified on July 4, 1776.

The U.S. Constitution was adopted on Sept. 17, 1787. After ratification by the necessary number of states, it went into effect in 1789.

SEE ALSO: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev makes cover of Rolling Stone magazine

Those who signed the U.S. Constitution are:

• Washington, George, VA

• Franklin, Benjamin, PA

• Madison, James, VA

• Hamilton, Alexander, NY

• Morris, Gouverneur, PA

• Morris, Robert, PA

• Wilson, James, PA

• Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth, SC

• Pinckney, Chas, SC

• Rutledge, John, SC

• Butler, Pierce, SC

• Sherman, Roger, CT

• Johnson, William Samuel, CT

• McHenry, James, MD

• Read, George, DE

• Bassett, Richard, DE

• Spaight, Richard Dobbs, NC

• Blount, William, NC

• Williamson, Hugh, NC

• Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, MD

• King, Rufus, MA

• Gorham, Nathaniel, MA

• Dayton, Jonathan, NJ

• Carroll, Daniel, MD

• Few, William, GA

• Baldwin, Abraham, GA

• Langdon, John, NH

• Gilman, Nicholas, NH

• Livingston, William, NJ

• Paterson, William, NJ

• Mifflin, Thomas, PA

• Clymer, George, PA

• FitzSimons, Thomas, PA

• Ingersoll, Jared, PA

• Bedford, Gunning, Jr., DE

• Brearley, David, NJ

• Dickinson, John, DE

• Blair, John, VA

• Broom, Jacob, DE

• Jackson, William, Secretary

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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