- Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Democrats fighting President Obama over Medicare are up for re-election. The Democrats who continue to support Obamacare talking points designed to eliminate Medicare Advantage in order to help pay for Obamacare are not.

Indeed, America’s Health Insurance Plans CEO Karen Ignagni correctly pointed out recently that repeating the 1997 Medicare Advantage cuts would cause millions of seniors to lose their health care coverage.

My wife and I have been enrolled in Kaiser’s Senior Advantage health care program since 2006, and for many years I have closely followed government’s inept mishandling of Medicare and Medicaid. Kaiser should be the model of excellence in handling the Medicare Advantage program, which if followed would provide Medicare Advantage to all seniors for less cost than traditional Medicare.

Of course, it would require government to abandon Obamacare’s exacerbated road to ruin, reform both Medicare and the mass expansion of the Medicaid fiasco, and restore common sense to health care. Alas, it would also relieve the costly chaos in the nation’s emergency rooms.

Rather than causing the American people and our economy to suffer the cost and pain of unaffordable health care, allow the nation’s private health care industry to do its job.


Apple Valley, Calif.

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