- The Washington Times - Monday, April 7, 2014

Students from around the nation have been taking to Twitter and other social media sites to post snapshot photos of their meager lunches — in some cases, a sad-looking sandwich with a carton of milk — and say to the first lady: Thanks a lot, Michelle Obama, for the rations.

One wrote, next to a picture of a hot dog roll that seemed spread with tomato sauce and cheese, on a tray with three small cherry tomatoes and a carton of lower-fat milk: “You call this a [expletive] lunch? @BarackObama @MichelleObama,” The Blaze reported.

And others were just as blunt in expressing disapproval.

Next to a picture of a plastic white tray containing a small roll and a messy-looking concoction of what appeared to be mashed potatoes, scrambled hamburger and corn, another wrote: “@MichelleObama so this is the ’healthy school lunch’ …”

Another picture of a flat sandwich that seemed to be a hamburger on a tray with a cut kiwi half and a packet of ketchup was posted by a parent who attended school lunch with her child and then tweeted: “@MichelleObama my school lunch while eating with my daughter. Only other choice was a scoop of salad. This is sad!”

Other postings: “I’ll never forgive Michelle Obama for this school lunch,” one wrote, The Blaze reported. And another: “Not gonna miss these Michelle Obama lunch rations everyday next year.” And yet one more: “Lunch use[d] to be my favorite subject in school. Thanks Michelle Obama for ruining my life.”

The angry Twitter posts come as news surfaced last week that more than a million school children around the nation have opted out of the public school lunch program, calling it subpar, non-filling and unsatisfactory.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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