- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin blasted Republican Rep. Paul Ryan in a Facebook post Tuesday, calling his budget proposal “the definition of insanity.”

“Holy Moly! Are you kidding?” Mrs. Palin wrote. “The latest Ryan (R, Wisconsin) Budget is not an April Fool’s joke. But it really IS a joke because it is STILL not seeing the problem; it STILL is not proposing reining in wasteful government overspending.”

The former vice presidential candidate linked to an article by Breitbart News, which says Mr. Ryan’s budget would increase spending in 2015 and 2016 but would balance the budget within 10 years.

In the article, Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, told Breitbart that Mr. Ryan’s budget “should be found in the book store in the fiction department. If there is one thing we know about Washington, increased spending now with the promises of spending cuts on the future means we will get the spending but never the cuts.”

Ben Cunningham, founder of the Nashville Tea Party, told Breitbart that it’s fitting that Ryan released his budget “on this day when we celebrate fools.”

Mrs. Palin continued: “THIS is the definition of insanity. Do we still not understand how dangerous it is to allow government to grow unchecked as we shackle ourselves with massive debt — a good portion of which is held by foreign nations who don’t necessarily like us? If we can’t balance the budget today, what on earth makes us think it will happen at some future date? The solution is staring us in the face. We need to rein in spending today, and don’t tell me there is nothing to cut when we know every omnibus bill is loaded with pork and kickbacks.”

• Jessica Chasmar can be reached at jchasmar@washingtontimes.com.

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