- Friday, April 18, 2014

Republicans, at least in theory, are better off than liberals. Republicans generally don’t manage to lose by repeating the same old mistakes. Instead, Republicans manage to find new, unique and very creative ways to lose.

House Speaker John Boehner has told business leaders and others on a couple of occasions he is going to get immigration amnesty done this year. In one instance, he said he was “hellbent” on getting it done.

Amnesty will, of course, destroy the Republican Party. That is why the Left loves it. Corporatists who want amnesty for low wages don’t think beyond the next quarter’s profit and loss report. It will doom them as well.

Republicans could stop this insanity, but the civil war in the Republican Party is the latest creative and unique way Republicans have found to lose.

John Boehner has been a disaster as the Republican speaker of the House. He has been walked on by the Democrats, unable to advance an agenda, and the efforts he promotes are more likely to kill the Republican Party than to give it a 40-year majority.

John Boehner and his lieutenant, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, should have been the top targets of the conservative establishment. Instead, the conservative establishment has made some frankly bizarre choices for attack.

Boehner is being challenged by J.D. Winteregg. Right now, Winteregg’s chances of winning the GOP primary are slightly less than his chances of winning the Powerball lottery. Where is the conservative establishment in Ohio’s Eighth Congressional District or for that matter Virginia’s Seventh Congressional District? Conservative economics professor Dave Brat is making a strong challenge against Cantor. Ann Coulter just endorsed Brat. Where is the conservative establishment and their millions?

The answer is the conservative establishment and their millions are funding challenges that make Lindsay Lohan look sober.

In Kansas, the conservative establishment is spending a lot of money to challenge Republican Sen. Pat Roberts in the primary. His challenger is Dr. Milton Wolf, Barack Obama’s cousin.

According to Heritage Action, Roberts is the fourth most conservative senator. Only tea party favorites Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul score higher than he does.

Tea party favorite Tim Scott is fifth, behind Pat Roberts. Yet the conservative establishment is challenging him.

While Roberts is being challenged, the two most vulnerable, liberal Republican senators are not being seriously challenged by the conservative establishment.

Lindsay Graham is often referred to in Washington circles as the “senator from McCain” for his lock-step approach to policies with John McCain. Heritage Action gives Graham a score of 52.

Graham faces multiple challengers, but in South Carolina that is a good thing. South Carolina is a run off state and as long as Graham can be held below 50 percent of the vote, it triggers a run-off. The bad news is the latest polls have Graham comfortably above the 50 percent threshold.

In Tennessee, Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander is being challenged by state representative Joe Carr. Alexander is probably the most liberal Republican who faces a serious challenge. Where is the conservative establishment?

Alexander is so afraid of Carr that a good friend of Alexander’s jumped into the race at the last minute to try to split the conservative vote. Granted, Tennessee’s Aug. 7 primary is among the last, but the conservative establishment is not jumping into Virginia or South Carolina, which both have primaries on June 10.

Republicans have lost a lot of races with some old mistakes. Now the Republican Leadership has created a civil war with in the ranks of the GOP. Unfortunately for conservatives, neither side in the civil war is working very hard to win the war.

What happens if the GOP has a civil war and both sides lose?

America loses.

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