- Thursday, April 17, 2014

All Americans should be aware of some very disturbing events that speak to the state of terrorism, the strength of al Qaeda and our nation’s security. In light of the danger unfolding around us, we also need to question whether or not President Obama’s administration is serious about confronting what is clearly a gathering storm, or whether, in fact, his policies are encouraging those who wish to harm us.

One of the more shocking events illustrating the growing strength of al Qaeda is the release of a video this week showing what CNN reports as “the largest and most dangerous gathering of al Qaeda in years.” It’s what experts think is a recent gathering of the terrorist group’s leadership and more than 100 fighters in Yemen.

For an administration that does not hide its eagerness to use drones to kill terrorists, experts and journalists alike were wondering whether our intelligence community knew about this meeting, and if so, why didn’t they take the opportunity to kill the most dangerous of them with one drone strike?

The terrorists on the video seem strangely unconcerned with their safety, as though there was no need for them to feel at risk. When asked about the brazenness of the gathering, Rep. Mike Rogers, Michigan Republican and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, noted on CNN: “We think that they’re feeling empowered. The less pressure you put on them, the more they take that as a victory … .”

It now appears al Qaeda was “on the run” in the same way you were able to keep your doctor and hospital.

Whether we didn’t know about the gathering, or did and chose to do nothing, it’s another signal to the beasts around the world that no one is home in Washington, D.C.

The dangerous circus created by the Obama regime’s rules doesn’t stop there.

Sept. 11 victims’ families are asserting they think the Obama administration is deliberately sabotaging the trials at Guantanamo, and insist the FBI is meddling in the cases, according to reports in the Free Beacon.

Unfortunately, both Mr. Obama and Attorney General Eric H. Holder have a history with the American people that not only doesn’t engender trust, but suggests efforts that are directly harming the nation and the American people, while pushing an agenda benefiting the terrorists.

In the article, two Sept. 11 victims’ family members told reporters of their suspicion regarding an FBI investigation into defense lawyers: “They had to know this would have some effect on the proceedings here,” one family member said. “Were I a very suspicious person, some could even say that was done purposely to derail these hearing and force it back into federal court,” said another. “It looks like a well-orchestrated snafu.”

Debra Burlingame is the sister of Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame III, pilot of American Airlines flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. She came to the public’s attention after becoming a passionate and determined advocate on behalf of all Americans in the aftermath of the attacks, which took her brother’s life and 2,976 others.

With the continuing bizarre decisions by Mr. Obama and the Holder Department of Justice, I asked Ms. Burlingame what she thought of the growing suspicion and concern by the families and the possibility that the Obama administration was deliberately sabotaging the process. Here’s what she told me:

“Someone, in violation of a D.C. District Court Protective Order, smuggled Khalid Shaikh Mohammed’s 34-page jihadi diatribe against America out of Gitmo and into the possession of the Huffington Post and BBC-TV.

“Smuggling this out of Gitmo is a criminal act. I find it repulsive that the attorneys defending the men who murdered 3,000 people are now trying to leverage an FBI investigation of what may be their own legal misconduct into an advantage for their clients,” said Ms. Burlingame.

Moreover, Ms. Burlingame didn’t mince any words about Mr. Holder and his involvement in the ongoing sham: “These defense attorneys are doing everything possible to delay this trial, to turn the proceedings into a sham, so that Eric Holder, their ideological soulmate, can tell the American people that military commissions are inferior courts,” continued Ms. Burlingame.

“I would like to remind the public that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators told a lawfully convened military tribunal in December 2008 that they wished to plead guilty and be executed. Barack Obama’s first act as president in 2009 was to shut down that proceeding and put these cases into legal limbo for another 2 years.

“It finally reconvened in 2011, and in the time since then, an army of defense lawyers has stalled this trial with hundreds of frivolous motions, all aimed at making a mockery of the court,” she said.

Regarding where things stand now, I asked Ms. Burlingame if it is reasonable to think Mr. Holder is deliberately undermining our efforts to get justice at Gitmo.

“Our own attorney general has repeatedly made public statements expressly undermining the court’s authority . His statements have been disgraceful. So, it is perfectly understandable that 9/11 family members would suspect that Eric Holder is colluding to sabotage this trial.”

It is a horrible thing when Americans have to consider the possibility that the leadership of this country is purposefully acting in a manner that benefits our nation’s enemies. Yet, when we look around the world, those feeling and acting empowered are the bullies, tyrants and terrorists.

The American president does have power, including the sort that signals to the world’s beasts that they can do as they please.

Tammy Bruce is a radio talk-show host, New York Times best-selling author and Fox News political contributor.

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