- Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A year ago we all grieved at the unprovoked attack on our citizens during the Boston Marathon.

As a marathon runner myself, I was especially struck at how weak we are at certain times in our lives — like after finishing a run of 26.2 miles or cheering on loved ones as they accomplish such a feat. Who among us could be prepared or, truthfully, why should be we have to be prepared for such a cowardly act?

Today is a day to remember the bravery, the loss of life and limb, and to celebrate the strength of those who have survived and thrived these past 365 days.

The names of the terrorists should be lost to history and forgotten from our minds, as should any past or future terrorists. Just like we shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists, we shouldn’t remember their names either. That’s how we strip their power, make their “grand gesture of jihad” just an insignificant blip to be forgotten, just like they will be.


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