Wednesday, September 25, 2013

When then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell went to the United Nations to rally countries behind America’s intent to invade Iraq, satellite photos were shown of trucks being loaded with deadly chemicals. Mr. Powell, Congress and President Bush believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. With that belief, along with the atrocities committed by Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein upon Iraqi citizens, America occupied Iraq, but could not find the weapons of mass destruction. As a result, all of the liberals called Mr. Bush a liar and condemned him ad nauseam for what they called an unnecessary war.

No one could explain why Saddam continually refused to let U.N. inspectors into Iraq, or what happened to the weapons of mass destruction. Either Saddam never had them, or he cleverly delayed the inspectors while hiding them, all the while knowing that an American strike on his country was inevitable. Saddam embarrassed the Bush administration by disposing of his chemical weapons before the U.S. troops could look for them.

My theory has always been that Saddam shipped the weapons of mass destruction, including toxic chemicals and gases, to Syria. Since then, Syria has become highly aggressive, supporting Hamas and attacking Lebanon. However, Syria held back using its weapons of mass destruction from Iraq until now. Doesn’t anyone wonder where the chemicals used on the Syrian citizens came from?

The press and the liberals owe an apology to Mr. Bush, who never lied to the public about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Powell, too, should apologize for not standing by the president who, unfortunately, did not have an agency that had all the answers.


Woodland Hills, Calif.

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