Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Character matters, as do solid policies. Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has both. He is a man of integrity, honesty and straightforwardness. With Mr. Cuccinelli, what you see is what you get.

Yes, he used the home of a campaign contributor temporarily while he and his family were waiting to move into their home in Richmond. He has subsequently held a news conference, explained the situation and made a donation to a charity as compensation. Mr. Cuccinelli is a devoted family man. He has been serving for many years in Virginia government, first as state senator, and currently as attorney general. He knows how our commonwealth works.

Mr. Cuccinelli has principles. He wants small government that is responsive to the taxpayers of his state. He favors effective policies that work, and he will evaluate the ones that are in place and identify those that don’t work. He wants to improve education for our children. As for abortion, he admits that it is a policy that is here to stay, and he is dedicated to upholding the law, not changing it. As an individual, he is pro-life.

Compare all this to the record of Mr. Cuccinelli’s gubernatorial opponent. Terry McAuliffe has not served in any government position. No matter what he tells you, he is a tax-and-spend Democrat. Elect him, and you will see the commonwealth of Virginia go down the path of states like California and cities like Detroit.

One of the most important things a state and family can learn is not to spend more money than they bring in. Governments have their hands in your pockets, and taxpayers must depend on representatives to control spending without an enormous increase in taxes. Governments have a responsibility to provide certain functions, but they should not be all things to all people. The states that are going bankrupt are those that keep raising taxes and keep spending. Eventually taxpayers vote with their feet — and the result will be that governments receive less revenue. This will affect all residents negatively. I hope that all Virginia voters cast their ballots for governor in November. Elections do matter.



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