- The Washington Times - Monday, September 2, 2013

A recent rally staged by members of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun-control group fell flat, as nearly 10 times the number of Second Amendment supporters showed up, took over the scene and countered with such a voice that bystanders thought it was actually an NRA-sponsored event.

It looked “more like an NRA rally,” reported one Columbus, Ohio-based broadcaster, of the weekend anti-gun rally that only brought out six members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns. By comparison, at least 50 with views akin to the National Rifle Association showed up and drowned out the anti-gun message with their own: There are already plenty of gun laws on the books.

Here’s an example of how the rally proceeded: Organizer Blanche Luczyk grabbed the microphone and claimed that even former President Ronald Reagan would have supported more background checks, crowd participants drowned out her message with cries of “Germany 1933” and “Hitler,” Breitbart.com reported.

Meanwhile, gun-rights supporters strolled through the rally, with “rifles over their shoulders and … handguns in their hip holsters,” Breitbart.com said.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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