Wednesday, September 18, 2013

In “James Carville to Ken Cuccinelli: You’re ’scaring people’” (Web, Aug. 30), the Ragin’ Cajun, Democratic strategist James Carville, didn’t endorse the Democrats’ candidate, Terry McAuliffe. Like other Democratic naysayers, Mr. Carville instead resorted to name-calling. This is why we will vote for Ken Cuccinelli to be Virginia’s next governor.

We began paying attention to Mr. Cuccinelli when he was elected as a senator for Virginia’s 37th District. Through his newsletter, “Cuccinelli Compass,” we learned that he is a fellow conservative. He has used legislation to keep government out of our personal lives.

Now, Mr. Cuccinelli wants to see Obamacare dismantled. We agree with his statement that “Obamacare redefines what it means to be middle-class in America by dropping the workweek from 40 hours to less than 30 hours.” Our college-graduate children have part-time jobs and still live at home. Obamacare has had a negative impact on our family budget. We don’t need or want still more financial burdens from big government.

The National Rifle Association endorsed Mr. Cuccinelli in 2009; Mr. Cuccinelli is a staunch supporter of Second Amendment rights. As attorney general, Mr. Cuccinelli joined 13 other states to file a friend-of-the-court brief for Virginia in Maryland’s Woollard v. Gallagher. This case challenged Maryland’s law, which granted handgun-carry permits only to persons who could prove a specific, imminent threat to their safety. Mr. Cuccinelli thought such a law placed an unconstitutional limit on Second Amendment rights. He has sponsored legislation that repeals a ban on carrying a concealed handgun in a restaurant, for Virginia to recognize concealed handgun permits from other states and to protect concealed handgun permit application data from Freedom of Information Act requests.

We’re pleased to see Mr. Cuccinelli regularly attend Sunday Mass with his family. It’s reassuring that he shares our values to love and serve God. We also know he has gone to bat for others many times. It stands to reason that he’ll continue to do battle for all Virginians. We want Mr. Cuccinelli to be the next governor of Virginia because he’s a proven leader who will work to defend our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.



Manassas, Va.

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