Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Without a real vision for Virginia, gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe resorts to false accusations and fear mongering. Mr. McAuliffe has approved a new TV ad in which viewers are shown birth-control pills and hear a voice stating that Ken Cuccinelli, the Republican candidate for governor, as a state senator sponsored a bill in the General Assembly to outlaw birth-control pills when he was a state senator. The accusation is not true.

When I checked the Virginia Legislative Information System for 2007, the year shown in the ad, I found that there was no bill number 2729 in the state Senate that year. There was a bill in the House of Delegates that Mr. Cuccinelli, among other state senators, co-patroned. Nowhere in the short bill is contraception mentioned or implied. Mr. Cuccinelli has never sought to outlaw contraceptives. If Mr. McAuliffe will lie to us to get elected, can we trust him as governor?

Virginians need a governor who is known for his integrity. Mr. Cuccinelli says what he believes and has done in office what he has promised in his campaigns. As a woman and a registered nurse, Mr. Cuccinelli has my vote.



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