Tuesday, October 8, 2013

This president has been late submitting a budget every year he’s been in office. The Senate, controlled by his party, didn’t submit a budget for three years. Now that they finally submitted one, they refuse to meet in conference with the House. Mr. Obama’s “recovery” has been the worst in history. Unlike previous recoveries, this one has been stagnant with usually less than 2 percent growth in gross domestic product. Ordinarily, at this time in a recovery, we are seeing 4 percent to 6 percent GDP growth.

Mr. Obama doesn’t talk about the unemployment rate because the only reason it’s gone down is that people are getting laid off or giving up on finding a job. Young men graduating from school can’t find full-time employment, if any employment at all. Those who lost their jobs in the recession have been unable to find replacement full-time work. Obamacare is forcing businesses to keep the workforce to a minimum or else only hire part-time or contract workers.

President Reagan had a divided Congress, too — but unlike Mr. Obama he was able and willing to work with the other party. We have the IRS and the NSA spying on American citizens or attempting to infringe upon and monitor free speech. He has been pathetic in dealing with the Syria, North Korea and Iran. He has kicked one of our best allies, Israel, to the curb more than once.

Since he couldn’t get his environmental laws passed even when he had a Democrat-controlled Congress, he has tried going around Congress and implementing policy via EPA rules and regulations. This isn’t the way the Founding Fathers meant for things to be done. He has also been rebuffed in this attempt several times by the courts.

Mr. Obama called President George W. Bush “unpatriotic” for the debt he incurred, yet Mr. Obama’s debt makes Mr. Bush’s look like chump change.

Frederick, Md.

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