Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Obamacare is a testament to the arrogance and incompetence of national Democratic Party politicians. Before the misnamed Affordable Care Act, studies showed that about 85 percent to 90 percent of Americans had health insurance, mainly through their employers, and that the vast majority were satisfied with it.

Some minor improvements — extending coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, expanding coverage to older children still living at home — might well have been warranted. But instead, President Obama and congressional Democrats, with zero bipartisanship, rammed a bulldozer through one-sixth of the economy with massive government controls — and now we have a disaster on our hands.

As all of America can see, we are watching Obamacare and its website implode. Even CNN-Money recently carried a headline of “To fix Obamacare website, blow it up, start over.” So the politicians wasted anywhere from $400 million to $1 billion on a failed website.

Anyone who thinks this law was about improving health care is foolhardy. It was about government control and establishing a pathway (after its failure) to a single-payer, totally government-controlled health care system that Mr. Obama has long advocated.

Do you remember Mr. Obama’s ironclad promise that everyone would be able to keep their health care insurance? Well, in a massive broken promise more than a million Americans have now lost their health care insurance because of Obamacare — probably two to three times more than the number that have signed up for Obamacare. The president’s signature accomplishment has failure written all over it.


Tracy, Calif.

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