Thursday, October 24, 2013

Few would read far enough in Joseph Curl’s “Wake up, Virginia! You’re about to suffer four horrible years” column (Oct 21), to realize Mr. Curl thinks favorably of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. The first three paragraphs of his piece are devoted exclusively to complaining that the office space of the Republican candidate for governor of Virginia is in a building “smooshed up against the Beltway’s Mixing Bowl interchange” and is in need of repair.

Yes, the eight-year Mixing Bowl project had a negative fiscal impact on downtown Springfield. The fact that the Cuccinelli campaign headquarters is not wasting money on plush accommodations is a tribute to Mr. Cuccinelli’s fiscal responsibility and respect for his supporters in Virginia. Mr. Curl refers to Mr. Cuccinelli’s “opponent, the horribly flawed Terry McAuliffe, moneyman for the Clintons, native New Yorker … .” McAuliffe is financed by the liberal bastions of New York and California. Perhaps Mr. McAuliffe’s campaign digs, financed with those who would try to buy the Virginia governor’s office, would be more appealing to Mr. Curl.

I appreciate The Washington Times’ endorsement of Mr. Cuccinelli for governor and your recognition of Mr. Cuccinelli’s tireless work on behalf of civil liberties and justice, as well as your exposure of some of the lies the McAuliffe campaign has perpetrated against him. Because Mr. McAuliffe has no governing experience, he is running a campaign of lies and character assassination against Mr. Cuccinelli. If Mr. McAuliffe will lie to us to get elected, how can we trust him as governor?

As the Times noted in “Running on the pill” (Comment & Analysis, Oct. 9), not only did Mr. Cuccinelli never attempt to outlaw contraceptives of any kind, but the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut declared all contraception legal, revealing the scare tactics in the TV ads of the Democrats.

When the Virginia Board of Health was pressured not to enforce the abortion-facility safety regulations in spite of horrible safety violations, Mr. Cuccinelli reminded them that they did not have the option of ignoring a law passed by the General Assembly. In 2002, a Fairfax County woman died in an Alexandria abortion clinic from a drug overdose at the hands of personnel who were unfamiliar with the monitoring and resuscitation equipment. The death of even one woman is too many. These regulations are meant to ensure the safety of women who choose to end their pregnancy, not to decrease women’s rights.

Virginians need a governor we can trust. As a woman and a registered nurse, I am proud to vote for Ken Cuccinelli.



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