- The Washington Times - Friday, October 18, 2013

Satirical star Stephen Colbert stepped away from his Comedy Central gig long enough Thursday evening to take a few pot shots at key politicos and leading public figures — including  the frugality of Pope Francis.

Mr. Colbert first remarked on New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s robed attire, complete with matching cap: You look like a “flamboyant Zorro,” he said, CBS reported.

Moving on, he then hit at former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s dating life and Mayor Michael Bloomber’s “tiny man” status, before turning mocking eyes to the leading Catholic Church figure — Pope Francis.

The pope, Mr. Colbert said, against the backdrop of a black-tie event in the grand ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in Manhattan, would undoubtedly have preferred to stage the event at an local IHOP, CBS reported.

The International House of Pancakes reference was a seeming shot at the pope’s on-site visits to residents of slums, and insistence the Church do more to defeat poverty.

Mr. Colbert then went on to say that “I am proud to be America’s most famous Catholic,” CBS reported. “And I’m sure the cardinal is thinking, ’Stephen, pride is a sin.’ Well, cardinal, so is envy, so we’re even.”

PHOTOS: Pope-a-palooza as Francis greets adoring Vatican crowd

Mr. Colbert spoke at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, a Roman Catholic charity dinner event that draws some of the biggest names. Among the attendees: Gov. Andrew Cuomo and CBS anchor Scott Pelley. Last year, both Mitt Romney and President Obama attended.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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