- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said President Obama’s failure to steer Congress toward a budget deal and break the impasses that has shut down the federal government could lead to impeachment — and he needs to step up to the plate and deal with Republicans.

Mrs. Palin also denounced Mr. Obama’s characterization of the debt ceiling discussion as “absurd,” calling his statement that raising the ceiling level doesn’t actually raise debt for Americans both false and dangerous.

“Apparently the president thinks he can furlough reality when talking about the debt limit. To suggest that raising the debt limit doesn’t incur more debt is laughably absurd,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “The very reason why you raise the debt limit is so that you can incur more debt. Otherwise, what’s the point?”

Mrs. Palin said Mr. Obama needed to quit “scaremongering the markets” with his discussions of default, and that if he only abided by the Constitution, all talk of default would naturally disappear.

“The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4, requires that we service our debt first,” she wrote. “We currently collect more than enough tax revenue to service our debt if we do that first.”

The fact that the nation is facing a default threat is Mr. Obama’s fault entirely, Mrs. Palin said.

SEE ALSO: Sarah Palin to Cory Booker: ‘Don’t be measuring the drapes’ on Capitol Hill

He’s the one that’s increased national debt by 50 percent since taking office — to about $17 trillion — and he’s the one that’s insisting the only way to cure that debt is to incur more debt, she said.

“It’s time for the president to be honest with the American people for a change,” Mrs. Palin wrote. “Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense, and any attempt by President Obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit without Congress is also an impeachable offense. A default would also be a shameful lack of leadership, just as mindlessly increasing our debt without trying to rein in spending is a betrayal of our children and grandchildren who will be stuck with the bill.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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