- Monday, November 25, 2013

I was hoping that Washington Times reporter Ben Wolfgang would have mentioned the incredible Alfred E. Neuman-caliber strangeness of former President Bill Clinton receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Nobel Peace Prize recipient Barack Obama (“Obama, Clinton hide tension behind smiles at medal ceremony,” Web, Nov. 20). President Obama will probably also receive the Medal of Freedom someday, for his tireless efforts to impose the sadly laughable and illegal Obamacare, unwanted by the majority of Americans, upon his fellow citizens.

This is the same Mr. Obama who, in 2008, cut the political legs out from under Mr. Clinton’s wife during the 2008 Democratic primaries. Here is Mr. Clinton, thrust-jaw appearance, who couldn’t come up with a definition of “is,” who lost his license to practice law after perjuring himself to a federal judge, who corrupted the dignity of the Executive Office with a White House intern and who could have taken out Osama bin Laden on more than one occasion in the 1990s, receiving this highest of honors.

Not one reporter in the four newspapers I read has raised a journalistic eyebrow about this irony. This is incredible and shocking for at least three different reasons, at least to me. Perhaps I’m the only one who sees this presentation clearly for what is was — laughable.


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