- The Washington Times - Wednesday, November 20, 2013

President Obama may have his faults, and he may have committed a few political mistakes, but all in all he still tops the Best Presidents Ever list, said a professor at Langston University in Oklahoma.

And Matthew Lynch, who heads the Department of Elementary and Special Education as well as serves as associate professor of education at Langston, said he’s got 12 reasons why. He listed them in a fawning blog post on The Huffington Post.

“While I acknowledge he has made a number of mistakes in recent years, I stand firm in my conviction that Barack Obama is one of the greatest presidents America has ever seen,” he said, The Blaze reported. And history will show him as a “revered revolutionary,” he continued.

Some of Mr. Lynch’s reasons, cited by The Blaze: Mr. Obama is “for the people” and he “cares about what is best for the greater good.” Mr. Obama is “for one race — the human race.” Mr. Obama wants to abolish “pomp and circumstance” because he’s “one cool cat.” Mr. Obama is “for veterans” and has “consistently promoted the allocation of funds, increased benefits, job opportunities and extended resources for our nation’s veterans.” And Mr. Obama is “for peace,” having won “the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, one of the greatest accomplishments any man or woman could hope to achieve in a lifetime.”

And Mr. Lynch’s final reason for listing Mr. Obama among America’s greatest leaders?

“He is for entertaining the masses,” he said, The Blaze reported. “In fact, I will go so far as to say that when the man does finally retire from politics, he has a rewarding and lucrative job as a stand-up comic. … When’s the last time you heard a president joke about drinking beer, belt out Al Green with poise and precision at a moment’s notice and admit to watching the Kardashians?”

Social media commentators were quick to criticize Mr. Lynch’s reasons.

“So bad I thought it was satire,” said one poster, speaking of Mr. Lynch’s views, The Blaze reported.

Another called Mr. Lynch an “Obama-BOT.” And yet one more: “Really a shame that The Onion rejected this,” in reference to the popular satire news website The Onion.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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