- Associated Press - Wednesday, November 13, 2013

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s ousted President Mohammed Morsi accused the military chief who deposed him of treason in a message from prison read by lawyers on Wednesday, saying the country cannot return to stability until the coup is reversed and those behind it are tried.

The statement was part of a bid by Morsi to rally his supporters since his emergence from the secret military detention where he had been held, with virtually no contact with the outside world, since his July 3 ouster.

Morsi was moved to a regular prison last week after the first session of his trial on charges of inciting murder. There, he had his first extensive meeting with a team of lawyers from his Muslim Brotherhood and other allies on Tuesday, dictating the “message to the Egyptian people” to them.

But he is emerging to a dramatically changed situation from four months ago. Since then, a fierce crackdown by security forces has crippled the Brotherhood, several thousand top leaders have been arrested, and hundreds have been killed. The new military-backed government is pushing ahead with a transition plan aiming for new presidential and parliamentary elections early next year.

Under the crackdown, protests by Morsi’s supporters have dwindled and have been reduced to small gathering mainly inside universities. Security officials, however, worry the protests could flare stronger with the anticipated lifting on Wednesday or Thursday of a 3-month-old state of emergency and curfew.

Morsi’s statement lay down a hard line, praising protesters for their “steadfastness” and vowing the coup would be reversed.

“The coup has begun to fall apart and will topple in the face of the steadfastness of the Egyptian people,” he said in the statement, read by the lawyers at a press conference.

He said Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who heads the military, had violated his oath of loyalty and committed “treason against God” and “treason against the whole nation by driving a wedge among the people of Egypt.”

He also said Egypt will not see stability until “the military coup is eliminated and those responsible for shedding Egyptians’ blood are held accountable.”

In his trial, Morsi has so far refused to accept legal representation, insisting he remains the elected president and that the tribunal against him is illegitimate. Brotherhood lawyer Mohammed el-Damati said at the press conference Wednesday that so far that position has not changed after the prison meeting the day before, and that it is “too early” to say whether Morsi will accept a lawyer. He has until the next session of the trial, on Jan. 8, to decide.

The team of lawyers will start pursuing legal measures against the coup and those behind it, el-Damati said.

When asked what are the legal options Morsi and his team think they can take to reverse the coup, el-Damati said, “These are thorny issues.” One possibility is to make a complaint to the prosecutor-general that “what happened is a crime.” Another is to file a suit in administrative courts arguing that the decisions taken by el-Sissi are “null and invalid.”

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