Friday, May 31, 2013

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals shares The Washington Times’ concern about wind turbines maiming and killing birds and bats (“Windmills of death,” Comment & Analysis, May 27). The rotating blades smack birds and bats out of the air at incredible speeds. Wings are severed, and bodies are mangled. The “luckier” victims are killed instantly, but many suffer immensely before finally dying from injury, stress, exposure or dehydration. The pressure created by the wind causes bats’ extremely delicate lungs to burst, leaving these tiny animals to slowly bleed to death internally.

Wind farms should always be built away from common roosting areas. Sonic and ultrasonic devices, as well as lasers, can be used to steer animals away from turbines. Turbines that pose known risks to birds or bats should be removed or replaced, and engineers should focus on developing truly wildlife-friendly turbines.


Wildlife biologist

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Norfolk, Va.

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