Friday, May 31, 2013

Contrary to Miles Yu’s May 24 “Inside China” report (“Taiwan, China vie for toughness”) the Republic of China (Taiwan) was not trying to send a message to the Philippines when it conducted maritime exercises in an area close to the overlapping waters of Taiwan’s and the Philippines’ exclusive economic zones. In fact, President Ma Ying-jeou made it very clear that Taiwan must “take measures to protect [Taiwan’s] fishermen” and that “none of these actions should be misconstrued as military exercises or flexing [Taiwan’s] military muscle.”

Manila’s use of the so-called “One-China” policy as justification for its unacceptable actions explicitly shows its insincerity. The “One-China” card should not be an excuse to refuse to deal with the government of Taiwan directly and in a respectful manner, particularly when dealing with a situation as serious as the extrajudicial killing of the Taiwanese fisherman, an action the Philippines still incorrectly refers to as “an unintended loss of life.” The Philippines should respond to Taipei’s four demands: a formal apology, compensation, an expeditious investigation followed by the severe punishment of the perpetrators and the speedy arrangement of negotiations on fishery matters.

We sincerely hope that this kind of tragedy never happens again. Only when Manila agrees to work constructively with Taipei can both sides begin the restoration of positive bilateral relations and contribute to peace and stability in the region.


Director, Press Division

Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative

Office in the United States

Washington, D.C.

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