Thursday, March 28, 2013

America increasingly is in the triangulating cross hairs of military rivals in China, North Korea and Iran. These nations are all cooperating in developing lethal military assets that are targeting America’s homeland and threatening the destruction of the United States. In addition, both North Korea and China are destabilizing the far Pacific region by developing weapon systems that threaten Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Nuclear weapons and drone technology are advancing in all of these rival nations, and these technologies target not only the United States, but also Israel, South Korea and Japan. China is increasingly stepping up territorial disputes with Japan. As this struggle intensifies, Japan is being forced to ramp up its development of advanced weapons systems to counter the threat from China.With all of this going on, the stage is being set for a perfect storm of aggression and conflict that could have devastating consequences for America and its allies. Of immediate concern is the extreme vulnerability of America and its allies to these threats, together with the growing perception that America is increasingly getting weaker, spread too thin to defend its allies or itself and being plunged deeper into debt from which it does not appear to have the will or ability to recover. Coupled with these developments is a weak U.S. foreign policy, one that lacks focus and cohesiveness, and expected defense cuts. These combine to create the perception that America is ripe for assertive advances on its global posture by its main enemies, who seek to prey on its weakening position in the world.


North Las Vegas, Nev.

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