- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 28, 2013

“Republicans are much less likely to say the United Nations is doing a good job, and to believe the U.N. has a necessary role in the world, than are Democrats,” points out a Gallup poll. While 8 of 10 Democrats say the U.N. still “plays a role in the world,” only 46 percent of Republicans agreed. Less than half of the Democrats — 48 percent — said that the U.N. was “doing a good job.” A mere 18 percent of the Republicans agreed with that.

“The United Nations has a role as a galvanizing force for nations in confronting global challenges such as peacekeeping operations, climate change, or setting international frameworks. However, the fact that it can act only by forging consensus among sovereign nations means it can be slow to respond and that lines of accountability for actions it takes can be unclear,” Gallup helpfully explains.


“I have to admit, being able to go back to our own life and going to the grocery store and shopping on my own is kind of nice to be by myself without a bunch of people hanging around with me. I like the life of being an American citizen. It’s good to live a normal life again.”

So said Mitt Romney to radio host Dennis Miller in a rare but recent interview.

“I’m very concerned about the country. I have to be honest, Dennis. I wouldn’t have gotten into this if I thought things were going swimmingly. That’s the frustration with losing — which is, I don’t have the influence.”

But he did once. Or he anticipated having the influence, anyway.

Had he won the White House, here is what Mr. Romney intended to do: “Smaller, simpler, smarter. Believe in America,” was the official motto emblazoned upon “Office of the President-Elect,” a website that was never officially launched by his campaign, but remained publicly visible for a time until Nov. 6.


How much do the news media love New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg? Ah, let us count the ways.

“From his soda ban, to his global warming views, to his opinions on gay marriage, journalists and pundits have repeatedly given him a platform to promote whatever he wants, and praised him repeatedly,” observes Liz Thatcher, an analyst with the Media Research Center’s Business and Media Institute.

She’s done the math. ABC, CBS and NBC, in particular, cannot get enough.From Jan. 1 to March 22 this year, Mr. Bloomberg was mentioned or interviewed on the three networks’ morning and evening news programs 43 times; starstruck correspondents promoted his policies and gave the public an “annoying play-by-play of every silly new initiative Bloomberg was pursuing,” Ms. Thatcher says.

And about that gun laws reform issue. She cites a CBS interview that cleverly enabled Mr. Bloomberg to call the National Rifle Association “stupid” and portray gun owners as a “radical minority of the country.”

A CNN interview, meanwhile, featured a single guest to talk about gun law reform, and that was “anti-gun advocate Bloomberg.” The entire interview consisted of softball questions such as “are you happy” about the president’s push for gun control and “what do you think of the NRA?”

The organization in question is not too worried.

“They insult. They denigrate. They call us crazy for holding fast to that belief,” CEO Wayne LaPierre said during his recent CPAC appearance, referring to the media and politicians alike. “In their distorted view of the world, they’re smarter than we are. They’re special. They’re more worthy than we are. They know better than we do, and if we dare disagree, they’ll scorn us, they’ll demonize us, and they’ll try to shut us up.” We will not be demonized, and we will not be silent.”


“Legalize the Constitution”

— Bumper sticker spotted by Inside the Beltway reader Beth Anne Neuberger in Mount Airy, Md.


Organizing for America, the grass-roots activist group that rose out of President Obama’s 2012 campaign, is still borrowing a few effective tea party tactics as it ramps up its fundraising among loyal Democrats, using dramatic narrative and a sense of historic occasion in their outreach.

“In just a few days, we’re closing the books on the first real test of this organization. We’ll know just how many people stepped up to be part of some once-in-a-generation fights,” says Executive Director Jon Carson in his latest public message. “If you’re serious about supporting the president’s agenda and making change in the next four years, this is the perfect time to make it known. None of us can sit back and just hope Congress acts.

“Mr. Carson adds, “Once the deadline closes on the first quarter this Sunday, we’ll have a record of the founding members of this organization — the first people who raised their hands and said, ’I’m ready, and I want to help build this.’”


White House archives reveal that once upon a time, the Easter dinner menu for President George W. Bush and his family on April 7, 2007, consisted of Texas grapefruit, avocado and mozzarella salad; fire-glazed ham; green chili cheese grits souffle; roasted orange molasses sweet potatoes; roasted asparagus; Brazos Valley cheeses; fresh yeast rolls and coconut cake with Blue Bell ice cream.

Laura Bush shared many recipes with the public during her time as first lady. This short but definitely Lone Star-style recipe is of them, courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas. The directions are exactly what was issued back in the day.

President and Laura Bush’s Deviled Eggs Recipe: 12 large eggs, boiled hard and peeled; 1 tbsp. (plus) soft butter; 1 tbsp. (plus) mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard, tsp. Yucatan Sunshine Habanero sauce, salt to taste.

Cut eggs in half and set aside. Put egg yolks in food processor and add all ingredients. Process for 20 seconds or until mixture has blended. Check for taste and increase mustard, salt or habanero sauce if desired. Place mixture in piping bag with star tip and pipe into egg halves. Sprinkle with paprika and chopped parsley. Chill for about an hour before serving.

The recipe notes that plain old Tabasco sauce can be substituted for the habanero version.


• 71 percent of Americans say illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay legally; 64 percent of Republicans and 76 percent of Democrats agree.

• 52 percent overall say the growing number of newcomers “strengthen society”; 34 percent of Republicans and 61 percent of Democrats agree.

• 49 percent overall say immigrants strengthen the U.S. with hard work and talent; 33 percent of Republicans and 58 percent of Democrats agree.

• 43 percent overall say immigrants threaten traditional American customs and values; 58 percent of Republicans and 35 percent of Democrats agree.

• 41 percent overall say immigrants are a burden because they take jobs, housing and health care; 55 percent of Republicans and 36 percent of Democrats agree.

Source: A Pew Research Center poll of 1,501 U.S. adults conducted March 13 to 17 and released Thursday.

• Tipline always open at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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