- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The recall, the demonstrations, the rogue charm? It will be on book shelves in the fall. Here comes “Unintimidated: A Governor’s Story and a Nation’s Challenge,” penned by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. But wait. A memoir of intent such as this could equal White House aspirations.

“This book tells the dramatic story of how one brave leader drove real change in his state, and what the rest of the country can learn from him. It’s not just a memoir, it’s a call to action,” says Adrian Zackheim, president and publisher of Sentinel Books, the conservative imprint of publishing giant Penguin Group. Marc Thiessen, former chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush, is the co-writer, incidentally. And there is plenty to write about. Mr. Walker eliminated Wisconsin’s $3.6 billion deficit through budget reforms and by limiting the collective bargaining power of public employee unions, incurring the wrath of “liberals all over America,” the publisher says.

Mr. Walker stood his ground and attracted support in Wisconsin and beyond, ultimately emerging as the first governor in American history to survive a recall election — elected twice during his first term in office. And, oh yes, he’s going to Iowa. The governor is the keynote speaker at the upcoming Polk County Republican Dinner in Des Moines in mid-May, to be introduced by Gov. Terry Brandstad himself.

“Gov. Walker’s appearance is sure to elicit speculation about a potential 2016 presidential bid,” observes Kevin Hall, a contributor to the Iowa Republican.


Pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is retiring from his medical practice in just over three months, which leaves many adoring fans asking a single question. Run for office now? Please? After all, Dr. Carson inspired The Wall Street Journal to demand he be nominated for president after a single speech at a prayer breakfast. But a bustling campaign is not in the forecast.

“People keep trying to put me into politics, and I really don’t want to do it. I don’t believe in political correctness, and I certainly don’t believe in getting into bed with special-interest groups. I just don’t think I would fit,” Dr. Carson told CNBC on Tuesday. And to The Washington Post, he suggested that a broadcast perch might be more suitable.

The vignette illustrates that conservatives still seek the standard bearer of their dreams. No one would begrudge Dr. Carson if he went on TV to have his say, points out HotAir senior editor Ed Morrissey.

“However, it does point up a problem that the conservative movement has had for as long as I can remember: a deep-seated need to find a conservative savior delivered by a Deus ex machina apparatus, free from any stain of political compromise and track record in office,” Mr. Morrissey says, adding that folks were eager to back the good doctor, “even before anyone found out what exactly Carson believed, which ended up in the case of gun control to produce a little chagrin in the other direction.”

Mr. Morrissey concludes, “Dr. Carson seems like a fine man and a good speaker. But before we start anointing people as leaders of the conservative movement, maybe we should make sure that they want to lead in that direction, and that they have an interest in rolling up their sleeves and doing the heavy lifting necessary.”


“One Nation, under Surveillance.”

Bumper sticker spotted in Warrenton, Va.


Still seeking a practical approach, FreedomWorks has just launched the “New Fair Deal,” meant to attract lawmakers interested in ending corporate handouts, crafting a flatter tax code, passing real spending reform — all the things that grass-roots fiscal conservatives adore, in other words.

Eight Republicans have already signed on to hammer out some legislation: Reps. Jeff Duncan and Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina, Jim Jordan of Ohio, Doug Lamborn of Colorado, Tom McClintock of California, Mike Pompeo of Kansas, Tom Price of Georgia, and Reid J. Ribble of Wisconsin.

“We aren’t the 53 percent, or the 99 percent or the 47 percent. We are all Americans, and we should be competing on a transparent and equal playing field,” proclaims Matt Kibbe, president of the group. “It shouldn’t matter who recruits the best-connected lobbyists in Washington. Corporations should play by the rules of the free market like everybody else, rather than trying to rewrite them.”


The tenacious producers of “Atlas Shrugged: Part I” and “AS: Part II” are going for the third and final installment in their project, based on the blockbuster novel by Ayn Rand. “Atlas Shrugged: Part III” will be released just prior to the 2014 midterm elections, geared to fiscal conservatives, libertarians and anyone else alarmed by the intrusion of government regulation and high taxes on the U.S. economy.”The message of ’Atlas Shrugged’ is far greater than any particular political movement and our intention is to convey that message as clearly as possible,” producer Harmon Kaslow tells The Hollywood Reporter.”We are ultimately confident that we’re going to have absolutely no direct impact on the looters already entrenched in Washington. We are, however, equally as confident that if we let ’Atlas’ speak for itself, we can have an impact on the voters that put them there.”


47 percent of Americans say gun control laws should be “more strict”; 29 percent of Republicans, 66 percent of Democrats, 43 percent of independents and 28 percent of gun owners agree. 39 percent overall say the laws should be “kept as they are”; 52 percent of Republicans, 30 percent of Democrats, 39 percent of independents and 50 percent of gun owners agree. 11 percent overall say the gun laws should be “less strict”; 16 percent of Republicans, 2 percent of Democrats, 15 percent of independents and 19 percent of gun owners agree.

Source: A CBS News poll of 1,181 U.S. adults conducted March 20 to 24.

Murmurs and asides, a few shouts to jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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