Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The goal of every pope ever elected is liturgical unity (“Many U.S. Catholics want Pope Francis to hold the line, inspire,” Web, Friday). However, Carlos Caso-Rosendi’s comment that the American church needs to return to an American brand of Catholicism seems to suggest a diversion from the idea of liturgical unity. The Catholic ways should be consistent, regardless of the geographical location. A parish in Manila should celebrate Mass the same way a parish in San Francisco does.

It is right that the Catholic Church and its leaders live by the Bible’s teachings and Catholicism. That means being pro-life. Pope Francis is pro-life, and he has received many criticisms from Catholics in a country of such diverse cultures as the United States. Needless to say, regardless of the margin of diversity or geographical location, leaders should uphold the traditional Catholic ways. I hope Pope Francis is able to enforce that elusive liturgical unity.



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