Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Along with being the first Latin American pope, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio (now Pope Francis), appears to have a genuine concern for the poor, having chosen the name of a saint who gave away his considerable wealth to live with and serve the poor of Assisi, Italy (“Pope Francis is first Catholic pontiff from the Americas; he is known as a humble intellectual,” Web, Wednesday).

Born into a wealthy merchant family, St. Francis founded two Catholic orders known for their poverty and simple lifestyles. In Argentina, Cardinal Bergoglio took public transportation, visited the poor, lived in a simple apartment and prepared his own meals. What a marked contrast to the many leftist politicians around the world who exploit the poor to ride to power and then once in power, amass great personal fortunes and live regal lifestyles.

Perhaps the genuine concern Pope Francis has for the poor will expose the hypocrisy of the many craven politicians who exploit the poor for their own personal aggrandizement.


Mount Vernon

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