- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 19, 2013


President Obama is still so fixated on fundraising and divisive campaign tactics that major tragedies and world crises get ignored.

At 10:40 a.m. Tuesday, the @BarackObama Twitter feed posted a tweet that said “Snack time” along with a photo of two small children picking up apples from a bowl in the Oval Office.

First Lady Michelle Obama, who has been on a national media tour to discuss childhood obesity, is shown sitting with the toddlers in the photo, holding her own apple. The infamous White House branded M&M boxes are, of course, nowhere to be found.

The president is seen chatting in the background.

The feed is managed by Organizing for Action, which took over high-dollar fundraising after Obama for America won its final election. It’s run by Mr. Obama’s former campaign guru Jim Messina.

An hour earlier, @BarackObama posted an attack on a supposed congressional Republican effort to cut education spending. It asked people to retweet if they agreed with the point, but gave no explanation for what “severe cuts” were up for debate.

While the president is tweeting about apples and political fights, the families of seven Marines tragically killed Monday in a training exercise are mourning their loss.

The Syrian government accused rebels of using chemical weapons in an attack Tuesday.

The House of Representatives has started debating its annual budget, while Mr. Obama’s budget is now seven weeks past the statutory deadline.

Pope Francis rode into St. Peters Square for his installation Mass. Vice President Joseph R. Biden was in attendance.

Iraq is going through a wave of violence, with 53 dead at last report.

The @WhiteHouse Twitter account has not been updated at all since Monday evening, nor has Press Secretary Jay Carney’s account. 

Mr. Obama needs to stop running political campaigns and start acting like the commander in chief and leader of the free world. And let kids visiting the Oval Office eat the M&Ms.


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