Friday, June 7, 2013

The media has characterized the Benghazi scandal, the spying-on-the-press scandal and the IRS scandal as three separate scandals. The reality is that these events are truly one scandal: the use by the Obama administration of any and all means to retain power and achieve re-election.

Covering up the White House’s failure to provide adequate security in Benghazi, Libya, and its failure to send forces to protect our ambassador and other Americans (and then lying to the American public during the latter months of the election campaign) clearly indicate the Obama administration’s attempts to protect its false claim of an allegedly successful war on al Qaeda.

The subpoena of tens of thousands of phone calls of reporters and the threat of prosecution of a Fox News journalist show the lengths to which the Obama administration went, not only to gain information on what reporters were investigating, but to attempt to intimidate those members of the press who did not remain in lockstep with the administration’s view of the news.

The IRS targeting of conservative groups to prevent 501(c)(4) tax-exempt certification as well as the targeted audits of conservative donors to inhibit contributions and deter the efforts of these groups are clear evidence that our current administration would and did sink to the lowest levels to retain power.

You don’t have to be a genius to connect the dots. Now that the cat is out of the bag, the administration speaks of making changes “so that this will not happen again.” Coincidentally, President Obama does not have the option of running again.


Towson, Md.

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