Tuesday, July 9, 2013

There is no place in a society of free people for a government agency like the Internal Revenue Service. For 80 years, it has been used by administrations of both parties to punish enemies. All citizens are subject to the IRS. Congress has made it so that if we are charged with wrongdoing by the IRS, we must prove ourselves innocent or pay the penalty. This is just plain wrong.

Recently Rep. Dave Camp, Michigan Republican and chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said in a news release that “first steps … have been taken to correct management flaws at the agency.” Management flaws? Those guilty of behaviors described recently in the media should go to prison. The IRS should be dismantled. Congress should be ashamed.

Finally, in the name of “comprehensive tax reform” the “Fair Tax” legislation should be given a fair and public hearing by the Ways and Means Committee. The legislation has been in the possession of this committee for more than 12 years, yet it has not been brought to the table for consideration. If the Fair Tax were the law of the land, the IRS scandal could never have happened. I urge readers: Contact your congressmen with the message: “Kill the IRS and pass the Fair Tax.”


Arlington, Texas

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