Monday, July 8, 2013

Recently, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and Terry McAuliffe were at a joint appearance in Reston to discuss business issues (“Virginia GOP governor candidate Kenneth Cuccinelli rejects attempts to label him on cultural issues.” Web, June 30). It was a joint appearance, but not a real debate because, as we know, Mr. McAuliffe is afraid of debates.

Mr. Cuccinelli talked about his plan to grow Virginia’s economy by reducing individual and business income-tax rates, capping state government spending and preparing a competitive workforce. He also described his energy blueprint, which would allow our state to use its abundant coal resources and drill off our coasts for oil. He also talked about his strong support for the commonwealth’s right-to-work law.

Meanwhile, all Mr. McAuliffe wanted to talk about was “abortion rights,” homosexual marriage and global warming. Perhaps Mr. McAuliffe was deliberately off topic because he didn’t want to tell the Virginia businessmen in the audience about his real plans for higher taxes, more wasteful government spending and greater regulations. Not to mention his own “business” record, which seems to involve using his political contacts to profit off streams of government money (see Green Tech).

In November, Virginia voters get to choose between these two men. God help our business community if they choose Mr. McAuliffe.


Lexington, Va.

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