Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Once again I see that President Obama hasn’t got a clue when it comes to leading this country or representing the American people. His latest comment regarding the National Security Agency secret-document leaker Edward Snowden comes while he is spending the taxpayers’ money on his supposedly official trip to Africa. He came out in public last week and stated that he is not going to call the Chinese or Russian presidents in regard to capturing Mr. Snowden because he “shouldn’t have to” (“Obama on Snowden: ’I’m not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker,’” Web, June 27).

Be that as it may, he apparently deemed a minor incident in Cambridge, Mass., in 2009, in which a friend of his was arrested, important enough to publicly chastise a police officer who was just doing his job. And when Mr. Obama held the infamous “beer summit” at the White House to make nice, that was important. When he called Sandra Fluke to commend her on her fight for contraceptives for women, that was important as well.

When it came to the armed New Black Panther Party members intimidating voters outside a voting station, however, he said nothing. When it came to the Fast and Furious gunrunning operation that got a border officer killed, he again said nothing. Instead, he shielded Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.

The president’s priorities at crucial points in his administration, from the Benghazi attack on our diplomatic post in Libya to the Internal Revenue Service attack on American citizens, have always proved backward. It should be obvious to all that Mr. Obama has an agenda that strips away the rights and protections of the American people and undermines our way of life. If we were in a war, I would say he is working for the other side.


Warrenville, S.C.

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