- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Yvette Clarke, said Monday evening that the George Zimmerman acquittal proves one thing: America puts less value on black lives than on white lives.

“The tragic death of our young man, Trayvon Martin, followed by the acquittal of the man who pursued him and killed him, has reminded us that although it may seem as if African-Americans and other minorities have achieved full equality in our civil society, we are still victims of racial profiling in violation of our laws and our morals,” Ms. Clarke said, from the House floor, The Hill reported.

She continued: “The lives of black men and women are not accorded the same value as the lives of white Americans. This is a reality for far too many black Americans.

Ms. Clarke is Democrat from New York.

During the same span of House floor remarks, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, another New York Democrat, said that the Congressional Black Caucus is going to hold a summit on urban violence this weekend.

“We understand that,” he said, The Hill reported. “It’s our children who are dying.”

SEE ALSO: Alveda King: MLK’s niece says stop the ‘race-baiting’ with Zimmerman verdict

And another Democrat, Rep. Al Green form Texas, added: The George Zimmerman trial acquittal “does not look right. And because it doesn’t look right, we have to understand that although you can have a fair trial, you may not have justice as the outcome.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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