Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Romeike family came to America from Germany in 2010 seeking political asylum from a German government that has become increasingly hostile to families desiring to prevent the secular indoctrination of their children by public schools.

It is a logical sequence of thought that if a society gives itself the right to abort inconvenient babies just because they are inconvenient, then it would also follow that the government could decree that children not reared in accordance with the dictates of the state be placed under proper supervision, especially with regard to parents who eschew humanistic doctrine in favor of religious teachings. The German government will take away the Romeike children if the family is forced to return to Germany.

Asylum was granted in 2010, but recently the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the family. Why would the court have such a drastic change in policy toward religious liberty? Is this yet another effect of the climate created by the Obama administration’s apparent war on Christianity?

Our judges would do well to recall that when the Puritans and Pilgrims set sail for America almost 400 years ago, it was their faith that led them to seek refuge from religious persecution and come to a land where their liberties could be attained. A greatness of our country has always been that people have the freedom to worship (or not worship) God in the manner they choose without government interference.

The Romeike case may go before the Supreme Court. If it does, the court should consider the words engraved on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” To revoke the Romeike family’s political asylum would be to sacrifice religious liberty on the altar of the state, and this should never occur in the United States of America.


Anniston, Ala.

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