- Sunday, July 14, 2013

A roundup of reaction around Washington to the appointment Sunday of David Keene as the new Washington Times opinion editor:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich:

“David Keene has been a major voice defining conservatism in America for the last generation.”

Former Vice President Dick Cheney:

“David is one of my longtime friends, a great patriot and a fellow flyfisherman. I know he will do a great job at the Washington Times.”

TV and Radio host and author Glenn Beck:

“David has a keen understanding of our nation’s incredible history and the important issues facing our country today. He will do a wonderful job informing and enlightening the Washington Times’ readers.”

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Piebus:

“David Keene is one of the most fair, intelligent and reasonable people that I know in politics today. And I’m not just saying that because he’s a cheesehead. He is truly a gentleman and the type of person we need more of around here.”

Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton:

“This is a great coup for the Times. No one knows Washington better than Dave.”

Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett-Packard CEO and current American Conservative Union board member:

“David Keene is a superb choice. He has both wisdom and perspective — two rare qualities in today’s world. I congratulate the Washington Times for its decision and wish David all the best in his exciting new role.”

U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah:

“David Keene is a man of strong intellect who is deeply committed to principles that have made this country great; the Washington Times will benefit tremendously from his insight and leadership.”

American Civil Liberties Union Washington Director Laura Murphy:

“David Keene brings a searching intellect to the editorial page of the Washington Times. He embraces all thoughtful arguments when making decisions, even those that don’t emanate from his typical allies. That openness to other points of view is what every worthy newspaper editorial page requires.”

Al Cardenas, American Conservative Union chairman:

“Congratulations to The Washington Times and to David Keene for the foresight to team up and offer our country a fabulous star to oversee its editorial content as its Editorial Pages Editor. David will provide his own brilliant insights, as he has done in the past for TWT, will seek superior talent to contribute timely writings and will see to it that the quality of the effort will match that of any other national publication in America. I have worked side by side with Keene in the conservative movement for decades. There is no one who better understands and convincingly delivers the principles prescribed by our Founding Fathers and sharpened by the icons of our movement. This announcement is great news for conservatives and cause for celebration. Thank you TWT.”

National Review Editor Rich Lowry:

“My heartiest congratulations to David Keene. He is a friend of liberty and of the Constitution who has battled tirelessly for conservative ideas and will continue to do so at the Times. The paper is lucky to have him.”

Pat Buchanan, former Reagan and Nixon White House aide, TV commentator, columnist and author:

“I have known David Keene as a friend and fighting conservative for the more than four decades since he first arrived in the EOB from Wisconsin as a young political aide to Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. Dave has battle scars and battle stars from half a century in our movement. He will bring intellect and fire to the editorial and op-ed pages of the Times.”

Former congressman and former Drug Enforcement Administration chief Asa Hutchinson, R-Ark.:

“David Keene is the embodiment of conservative thinking. When it comes to the conservative movement, Dave knows the history and has both the intellectual foundation and the passion to keep conservatives on the right track.”

Faith and Freedom Coalition President Ralph Reed:

“David Keene has been one of the most important conservative entrepreneurs, thinkers, and strategists in the United States for over forty years. His new role at the Washington Times will no doubt continue a distinguished career that has been marked by commitment to principle and a rare understanding of how to advance a conservative agenda.”

Amy Noone Frederick, president of 60 Plus

“The Washington Times has long cemented its reputation as THE go-to resource for fact-based reporting and viewpoints that the mainstream media consistently neglect. David Keene is the right person to ensure the Times continues to adhere to its founding principles while also meeting the challenges of an ever-changing political and media landscape.”

National Rifle Association President Jim Porter:

“David Keene brings intellectual honesty, unquestioned integrity and across-the-board respect of both the political world and the world of public policy. David’s strong persona and depth of experience make him the perfect fit for this position.”

Matt Schlapp, White House political director under former President George W. Bush:

“David Keene has served as a mentor and an intellectual touch point for many of us who want to animate government and society with rock-solid conservative principles. He is a veteran of the ideological wars within Republican White Houses, presidential campaigns and the discussion on the heart and soul of the conservative cause. He’s always been the soft-spoken, intellectually grounded voice of reason in the midst of political controversy. The Washington Times has picked the right voice for this critical time.”

Tucker Carlson, Fox News commentator and Editor in Chief of The Daily Caller:

“Dave Keene is one of the smartest, most principled people I know. He’s also an accomplished fly fisherman and sportsman, which is not a small thing in an age when so few people in the policy world ever go outside.”

Congress of Racial Equality Chairman Roy Innis:

“David Keene is at the same time a living Washington institution, yet beloved by movement conservatives all across our country.”

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