- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, told Congress that political correctness was killing America, opening the doors to more Boston Marathon-type attacks.

“You can’t fight an enemy you don’t acknowledge,” he said, during testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, the Daily Mail reported. His reference was to the federal government’s reluctance to label terrorists as terrorists.

“If the party line is to never use the words ’Islamic extremist terrorists,’ if there’s a reluctance to label something a jihadist act, then the result is … a bureaucracy that is paralyzed by a greater fear of being wrong — that they’re going to identify someone as an Islamic extremist terrorist — than they’re going to be wrong about preventing a bombing,” he said, the Daily Mail reported.

By way of example, Mr. Giuliani referred to the shooting massacre trial of Fort Hood shooting suspect Maj. Nidal Hasan.

“It explains the failure to identify Major Hasan as a terrorist despite repeated indications of his jihadist views,” he said, in the Daily Mail. “Not only did political correctness fail to identify him as a terrorist, it led to his being promoted in the United States Army.”

Mr. Giuliani blamed the Obama administration for giving up the “war on Islamic terrorism” declared by the previous President George W. Bush.

SEE ALSO: Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tsarnaev pleads not guilty

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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