Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Who is responsible for the terrible Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting? Once you get past the shooter himself, there is still plenty of blame to go around.

Perhaps we should start with the politicians. Many Democrats have been trying to disarm the American public since the days of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Following the “Bonus Marchers” of 1932, there was the ban on automatic weapons, the National Firearms Act of 1934. Like they did with Obamacare, the Democrats are playing the long game of disarming the American public.

Do they care less about children who don’t go to schools with armed guards than they do about the federal employees at buildings with armed protection? While the Obama administration has eliminated two school security programs to save money, at the federal building on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, there are armed guards and you have to remove your shoes, belt and everything metal on your person just to get inside.

Furthermore, the so-called American Civil Liberties Union is responsible for getting thousands of mentally ill people out of institutions and onto the streets. In Connecticut in 2012, the ACLU successfully killed a bill that would have made it easier to commit mentally ill people. Congratulations, ACLU.

I am happy see that teachers across the country — men and women alike — are demonstrating with their wallets and feet as they flock to gun stores to purchase new firearms, and to shooting ranges to learn how to operate them. These teachers understand that if another shooting occurs, the police could be minutes away, as they were in Sandy Hook, while a teacher with a personal firearm is close at hand.


Van Nuys, Calif.

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