Tuesday, January 29, 2013

At one of the recent congressional hearings on the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton exposed her true moral character when asked about the administration’s initial position on the murders (“The terrifying mindset of Secretary Clinton,” Page A4, Monday).

The White House at first held that the attack was the work of an angry mob of protesters. In response to this inquiry at the hearing, Mrs. Clinton rhetorically asked: “What difference, at this point, does it make?” That snide remark is quite enlightening. It suggests that to Mrs. Clinton, it makes no difference that the administration lied to the American people by alleging that the attack was a spontaneous reaction by protesters to cover up the fact that the assault was actually a planned effort by terrorists.

If it makes no difference to her whether the administration tells the truth or lies to the American people, how are we to believe anything she says? Her attitude, it seems, is that “we the people” do not deserve to be told the truth — especially when it is politically expedient to lie. One wonders if she was telling the truth by declaring that she did not know about Ambassador Stevens’ cables urgently requesting additional security. In light of her attitude, one is required to question anything she says to avoid blame for the Benghazi atrocities.



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