- Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A new online video game takes shots at the Second Amendment by enticing players to take head shots at their most hated National Rifle Association officials.

A poster at the conservative Free Republic site stumbled on the game, and had this to say: “I was walking past my son’s room … and heard the sound of [NRA Executive Vice President] Wayne LaPierre’s voice. … I opened the door [and] the image on the screen stopped me cold.” The son was playing a video game that opened with the recreation of LaPierre’s speech about the Newtown Conn., school killings. “In that game was a virtual Wayne LaPierre, standing at his podium, giving his speech, with a crosshair over his head. Before I could even utter a word to scold my child, he clicked his mouse. And the virtual Wayne LaPierre’s face disappeared in a spray of blood.”

The game creator, according to a Townhall report, is asking players to “share this everywhere, especially gun-nut and anti-game websites.”

Mr. LaPierre has pointed publicly to the hypocrisy of targeting lawful gun owners for more regulation, yet giving free passes to video, gaming and movie officials who sell violence.

In late December, Mr. LaPierre criticized Hollywood studios for the films “American Psycho” and “Natural Born Killers.” At this same press conference, Mr. LaPierre also said: “Guns don’t kill people. Video games, the media and Obama’s budget kill people.”

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