- The Washington Times - Friday, December 6, 2013

Radio host Rush Limbaugh accused President Obama on Friday of trying to do “everything and anything he can to link himself to” Nelson Mandela after the former South African president’s death.

“Now, forgive me, but if you are a low-information voter and you’re watching the CBS Evening News last night, you would come away with the impression that the important thing about Nelson Mandela’s death was that he had looked up Barack Obama when he came to town and had a picture of Obama when he died,” Mr. Limbaugh said on his show Friday. “Classic, folks. Absolutely classic — and the rest of the media, it’s so predictable.”

Mr. Limbaugh cited a New York Times article, “Obama’s Path was Shaped by Mandela’s Story,” and similar pieces by The Washington Post and Politico to back up his point.

At one point during the show, Mr. Limbaugh said Mr. Mandela actually had more in common with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas than President Obama.

“Nelson Mandela, even prior to becoming president, but certainly after he became president of South Africa, insisted on compliance with his country’s constitution,” he said. “He insisted on it. Obama looks at the U.S. Constitution as an obstacle and makes end-runs around it every day, practically. …

“These are the kind of things, by the way, I love saying, because this just ticks the left off, ’cause they hate Clarence Thomas,” Mr. Limbaugh said. “Mandela had much more in common with Clarence Thomas, and a lot of conservatives, than he has with Obama, but the left doesn’t care.”

SEE ALSO: Rush Limbaugh decries Pope Francis’ ‘pure Marxism’ teachings

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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