- Sunday, December 29, 2013

Americans will flounder until the economy recovers. The economy won’t recover until there is a sufficient number of nongovernment jobs to employ the masses, and there will not be a sufficient number of jobs until we address the issue that caused our job losses in the first place: our inability to compete with the rest of the world.

We lost our competitiveness in the early 1980s, and jobs started leaving. Our representatives in Washington are doing nothing. They either don’t get it or lack the courage to take on the issue. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s sitting right in their midst: the Fair Tax bill.

This measure takes on the issue of our lack of competitiveness and solves it. By changing our federal income-tax system from taxing all forms of personal income to a national sales tax on new goods and services, we win. This new system eliminates all embedded taxes and tax-associated costs throughout the manufacturing process. Once implemented, America will become among the most low-cost places in the world to do business — and therefore, it will also become the place to build new factories. Well-paying jobs will return; Americans will win.

Currently, 74 members of Congress are co-sponsoring the bill. It’s likely that your member of Congress is not among them. Contact him today.

Fairhope, Ala.

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