- The Washington Times - Friday, August 30, 2013

The attorney for Pvt. Bradley Manning, the convicted document leaker who insisted on his way to Fort Leavenworth that he wants to be a woman called Chelsea, said his client is doing well in prison and has already made several friends who have accepted “her for who she is.”

Attorney David Coombs said he just spoke with Pvt. Manning, who’s now going through the weeks-long indoctrination program at the Kansas federal prison, CBS reported. Mr. Coombs said he was planning a trip to the prison to meet with medical officials and discuss Pvt. Manning’s requested hormone therapy treatment.

Pvt. Manning said right after his 35-year sentence was handed down that he is a woman trapped in a man’s body, that he wants to be called Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, and that he would willingly pay for hormone therapy at Fort Leavenworth if Army authorities would allow.

On Thursday, Pvt. Manning had still not requested the hormone treatment, The Associated Press reported.

Army Medical Command spokeswoman Maria Tolleson said such requests are weighed on a case-by-case basis, CBS reported.

As for Pvt. Manning’s current state of mind, his attorney said he’s adjusting well to his new surroundings and appreciates the support of many in the media who willingly call him by his new name and recognize his wish to be female. AP, for example, put forth a policy that all wire reports would refer to Pvt. Manning with the feminine pronoun, as he requested.

“Chelsea was very happy to hear of these developments,” his attorney said on a recent appearance on the “Today” show. “She requested that I relay how grateful that she is for everyone’s understanding and continued support.”

Moreover, he said, CBS reported, Pvt. Manning has several new friends at Fort Leavenworth “who accept her for who she is.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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