Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Obamacare is under continued scrutiny and is the focus of defunding efforts in Congress (“Ted Cruz doubles down on threat to defund Obamacare, proposes alternatives,” Web, Aug. 25). Proposed as the holy grail of health care, this legislation is turning out to be a disaster. Many have finally read what’s in it.

The impact on business is stifling. Many businesses are already making changes accordingly to minimize the negative impact to their bottom lines. Many are reducing working hours from 40 to 29 and changing employee medical benefit packages to cover only workers, excluding their family members. The unemployment picture is changing with part-time workers increasingly replacing full-time workers. We can say goodbye to the 40-hour work week. This has several unions furious.

The good news is that for some businesses, delays for one year have been mandated. The bad news for Americans is the actual impact won’t be felt until after the 2014 elections.


Whispering Pines, N.C.

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