Friday, August 2, 2013

Awhile back, gubernatorial hopeful and Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli presented his plan for job creation in Virginia, and on July 29, he introduced his energy plan for the state. I am terribly disappointed with gubernatorial challenger Terry McAuliffe’s campaign, which has given Virginians few (if any) ideas for job creation or energy and has only attacked Mr. Cuccinelli with negative and erroneous statements.

I have read the Cuccinelli plan’s outline and must say it is impressive. If elected, I can see this new governor of Virginia getting down to the basic essentials of governing and implementing these ideas. Virginia deserves a committed conservative rather than a constant campaigner. They also deserve a governor who will effectively take on the tough issues that will bring more prosperity to all Virginians.

Mr. Cuccinelli’s plan has multiple facets to it, ranging from reducing excessive regulations so more resources in every field of energy can be found and developed, to protecting the environment while modernizing Virginia’s infrastructure.

As far as I’m concerned, Mr. Cuccinelli is showing all of us that he has well-thought-out plans for elevating Virginia to one of the most vibrant and stable economies in the country. As for Mr. McAuliffe’s plan, I haven’t heard anything positive.


Rixeyville, Va.

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