Monday, August 19, 2013

Americans have come to fear the Internal Revenue Service — and with good reason (“The IRS as kingmaker,” Commentary, Aug. 16). Those of us who have ever been audited by this huge government bureaucracy — despite having followed the letter of the law — live in fear of its findings, because the IRS has the power to affect our very livelihood.

The IRS scrutinizes every penny we have ever earned, looking for ways to get even more of our income. In the latest IRS scandal, this greedy government goliath has become a political arm of the Obama administration, targeting conservatives. Tea Party groups and individuals have been punished by being denied their lawful right to organize as tax-exempt entities. All the while, President Obama calls this a “phony” scandal.

With the implementation of Obamacare, this massive, power-wielding monster will, in addition to monitoring our finances, be the master of our health care. We conservatives should be shaking in our boots if Obamacare ever takes effect. The IRS will have the very power to determine our financial and physical fate. In addition to having access to our finances, it will have access to our medical records. And if you happen to be a conservative, well, the writing is on the wall for you.

Obamacare must be defunded and replaced with a reform that allows the free market to compete for our health care business. This will bring about better care and lower premiums that would benefit all Americans. In addition, the IRS must be replaced with a Fair Tax. These proposals would help bring individual freedom and fiscal sanity back to America.


Berwyn Heights

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