- The Washington Times - Thursday, August 15, 2013

A group dedicated to finding out the truth of what transpired at America’s consulate during the fatal Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack says concerned citizens should bombard their congressional members with requests to create a special committee — and videotape the lawmakers’ responses to post online as additional pressure.

Special Operations Speaks, a Washington, D.C.-based group, calls the approach a la “paparazzi,” and promises to give a lapel pin to anyone who submits a video of the exchange.

The group recommends those who want to see a special committee created in Congress to investigate the attack that left four Americans dead should attend this summer’s legislative town hall sessions in their respective districts and demand answer to this one question: “Will you sign the Stockman Discharge Petition to force a floor vote on House Resolution 36 to hold a Watergate-style select committee investigation?”

Rep. Steve Stockman on July 23 introduced his resolution to force a vote on the House floor for the creation of a special committee to investigate the events of Benghazi, Libya.

Mr. Stockman said, after its introduction: “It has been nearly a year since terrorists killed an American ambassador and three other U.S. citizens in a coordinated attack. Yet, not only survivor has been allowed to testify to Congress and repeated requests for information have been blocked. Two different hearings have been canceled after witnesses were confronted and some intimidated. If four members of Obama’s personal staff had been killed, there would rightfully have been a full investigation and congressional hearings. But not one perpetrator has been brought to justice and requests for witnesses and information have been blocked.”

Rep. Frank Wolf has been calling for an independent body to investigate the incidents of Sept. 11, 2012, for months. And just this week, former Rep. Allen West joined that call.

SOS, meanwhile, is pressuring for a more in-your-face approach, akin to paparazzi photographers, and calling for constituents to confront their lawmakers directly during town meetings — and film the exchanges. The group said it would post any submitted videos on its website and send them along to various media outlets.

“Those activists who are committed to help end the Benghazi coverup must act now to force every member of Congress to go on record on the Stockman Discharge Petition,” said the group’s co-founder, Col. Dick Brauer, in a written release. “The only path to the truth is through a Watergate-style select committee.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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